Did you know that blinking can be helpful for your vision?
The simple act of blinking flushes fresh tears over the eye which keeps foreign matter and irritant out. Blinking also helps re-moisturise your eyes and to deliver nutrients to the important structures within your eye.
Almost all of us spend a large portion of our day using screen devices such as computers, tablets, smartphones and the television. Excessively staring at screens is exacerbating dry eye and ocular discomfort.
More than two million Australians suffer from dry eyes, and more than 30% of Australians suffer from eye allergies at least once during their lifetime
How To Blink: the 20/20/20 rule
Every 20 minutes, close your eyelids shut & then squeeze lightly for two seconds. Open your eyes, then look 20 feet across the room for 20 seconds.
This blinking action activates your distance vision & rests your eyes! Take time to look out a window or simply close your eyes.